You Hold the Power

Your support is powerful. Your time, energy, and donations help us preserve, restore, and protect places as well as communities. We're excited to join forces.

Membership Levels & Prices

We believe the past is critical to creating and upholding vibrant, unique, and healthy communities. History is the cornerstone of our organization and it’s our mission to explore, highlight, and restore places nearly lost in time. We educate on, advocate for, and strive to revive the places locals fondly remember as well as the stories of our community. We also manage to have a great time doing so with members-only events, tours, and more.

We offer 2 types of membership: annual and monthly.

Decay Devils Membership (annual)

We offer 3 membership levels:

  • Individual

  • VIP Contributor

  • Board Membership

Keystone Member (Monthly)

Support the Decay Devils by giving monthly. There's no need to worry about renewing your membership as your donation recurs on a monthly basis. You can stop the donation cycle at any time. Keystone Members enjoy Membership benefits.


We are so grateful for our donors. We rely on donations to advocate for, educate on, and actively revive historical places in need of remembrance and care. 

We graciously accept matching gifts from your employer via Benevity. View our Benevity profile.

All donations are tax deductible. If you have any questions about donations, please email

Become a Partner

Partner with the Decay Devils for a chance to feature your company's advertisements in our publications, name/logo/link on our website, and sponsor events. Show your audience that you care about our cause and become a Partner today.

To become a Sponsor or a Partner, please contact


Volunteers are our backbone. As a volunteer, you'll help us preserve and protect places that matter to our city. Volunteer opportunities are diverse: for more information, please visit our Volunteer page.